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BÖRSE ONLINE Best of Billionaires Index NTR

Investors now have the opportunity to participate from the global markets alongside Warren Buffett & Co. BOERSE ONLINE has developed an index that combines the top five positions from the portfolios of investment legends Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Bill Ackman, and Ken Fisher. Every three months, the portfolios of these experts are reviewed for their top positions, and the index is adjusted accordingly. Overlaps in stocks may occur. The index mainly consists of US blue-chip and value stocks and is dynamically composed to ensure that the top stocks of these investment gurus are always included in the portfolio.

Master Data

Bloomberg Ticker:  BOBBIN Index

Current Quotes

Last quote (23 Jan 2025): 120.46
Day range:  119.47 / 120.46
Change abs./rel.:  0.92 / 0.77%
Year range:  88.00 / 121.06
Please note that the index chart above may be partly comprised of historical performance illustration based on a backtest. The guideline provides an indication where this is the case.