Solactive revolutionizes the portfolio creation process by using state-of-the-art algorithms in order to identify exposures that are hidden when relying on conventional approaches.
We are making our AI-based stock selection tool – ARTIS® – available for direct access to our clients.
Big Data
Huge amounts of unstructured textual data are the foundation of ARTIS®. Data sources, such as financial news, annual reports, or business descriptions, ensure a broad picture.
Hundreds of thousands of documents are individually evaluated, and each document’s relevance to the respective theme is calculated by a state-of-the-art NLP ranking function.
Among all relevant documents, companies are tagged, extracted, and mapped against Solactive’s proprietary symbology data base.
Each company’s theme relevance is calculated. These theme relevancies, i.e., “ARTIS® scores”, are used to rank companies according to their thematic fit. The resulting universe of companies is the basis for the index construction.
The investment industry is changing, and to reflect today’s world’s complexity, conventional data points are not sufficient anymore.
ARTIS® is Solactive’s proprietary and in-house developed natural language processing algorithm that identifies thematic exposures of companies. Compared to traditional sector classifications, where a company only belongs to one sector at a time, ARTIS® enables us to draw a multi-dimensional view on companies, i.e., we are able to identify all business operations of a company even if that company is involved in different markets and offers various products.
No Black Box
Our state-of-the-art NLP algorithm is completely deterministic. The same input will always produce the same output.
As such, ARTIS® is fully transparent without any ambiguity. -
Broad Set of Sources
ARTIS® does not rely on only one kind of documents. Instead, we analyze on a broad set of sources. These include, among others, annual filings, financial news, and business descriptions.
ARTIS® searches and evaluates hundreds of thousands of documents and reports the final theme relevance score within a few seconds.
If you are interested and want to get more details or a demo, feel free to contact our Research team.