ESG Data

Our clients' views and beliefs are at the core of our approach to ESG data. Find out how our open architecture benefits clients in finding the best data for their needs - whether through our established partnerships, onboarding new providers or our strategic partner network.

Open Architecture

Finding the right data for you

ESG topics are viewed from different perspectives across the world and different client groups prioritize different objectives. For this reason, we work with an open data architecture allowing for great flexibility: we are able to provide our clients with the most suitable data tailored to their view and to design fully customizable ESG indices according to their needs.

How it works

We act as the intermediary between ESG data providers and our clients allowing efficent index setup in 3 steps:



Your idea is our starting point: Let us know your views and objectives. We guide you in shaping your idea into an end-to-end index solution, including data, index design and everything in-between and beyond.



Data Providers

Data Providers

The best data for your idea: We guide you to the most suitable data for your  purpose and ensure seamless integration into  the index design process – including your own inhouse  ESG data.

Customized Index

Customized Index

Put it all together: We combine all pieces and you receive a fully customized index, tailored to your strategic objectives.

Your benefits

Our services guarantee you the maximum flexibility at the most efficient price:

  • Benefit from our existing partnerships or bring aboard your ESG data provider of choice
  • You can also leverage your in-house ESG data   – all in strict compliance with the EU Benchmarks Regulation
  • No additional administrative burden for you: we are your single point of touch, taking over all the  work vis-à-vis the ESG data provider


We have consolidated partnerships with a wide range of accredited ESG data providers: we can help you to select those who are best-suited for your specific objectives and needs, or you can bring aboard the ESG data provider of your own choosing. Tap into our long-standing experience for a continuous support to build indices in compliance with EU benchmarks regulation, while lowering your administrative burden: once the ESG data providers are selected, we take care of all the rest.


Beyond open architecture access to the data (provider) of your choice, Solactive’s  portfolio of strategic partners represents  our deep belief in the  importance of actionable ESG data and services.   Explore their innovative solutions across various domains of the ESG ecosystem and tap into our combined expertise to solve your sustainability challenges:

  • Minerva Analytics empowers investors with tools and data to make informed sustainable stewardship and voting decisions. Through a comprehensive suite of tightly integrated services, Minerva supports better stewardship with high-quality data, objective research, and superior, fully customizable proxy vote administration.

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  • SparkChange is a technology platform and financial product ecosystem for investors seeking exposure to physical carbon allowances and innovative carbon data tools. Having launched the world's first ETC backed by physical European carbon allowances, Spark's data solutions help organisations prepare for the opportunities and risks associated with a higher carbon price in the future.

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  • Iceberg Data Lab is a Fintech providing science-based ESG data solutions to financial institutions. Alongside its full-range offering of climate data, Iceberg DataLab is the leading provider of data quantifying companies' impact on biodiversity - recognized by many as the crucial challenge for modern societies alongide climate change.

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  • Frankfurt-based right. based on science was founded in 2016 and measures the contribution of companies, buildings or portfolios to climate change. Backed by the peer-reviewed XDC Economic Climate Impact Model, the forward-looking climate impact data is expressed tangibly and easy to interpret in °C.

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