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Good Harbor Tactical Developed Markets Index

The Good Harbor Tactical Developed Markets Index is an active index that seeks to have international equity exposure during times of anticipated market strength while allowing for a shift into a defensive non-equity position during times of anticipated equity market weakness.

Equity allocations are made to broad international indexes as well as single country indexes from the developed markets universe. Defensive allocations are made to U.S. treasuries, cash and other sovereign debt vehicles.

Allocation decisions are driven by the Good Harbor Tactical Core Developed Markets model which is based on an objective analysis of economic data, currency movements, momentum and yield curve movements. Index portfolio holdings are aligned to the model after each rebalance period, which typically occurs twice a month.

Master Data

ISIN:  DE000SLA0054
Bloomberg Ticker:  GHTDM Index
WKN:  SLA005

Current Quotes

Last quote (14 Feb 2025): 1241.59
Day range:  1241.59 / 1241.59
Change abs./rel.:  0.00 / 0.00%
Year range:  1189.22 / 1318.14
Please note that the index chart above may be partly comprised of historical performance illustration based on a backtest. The guideline provides an indication where this is the case.