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Change Finance Diversified Impact US Large Cap Fossil Fuel Free Index

The Change Finance Diversified Impact US Large Cap Fossil Fuel Free Index is a USD, total return index composed of 100 equally-weighted, US large cap securities. It excludes companies involved in the fossil fuel industry, fossil-fired utilities and companies which fail to meet high ESG standards for human and labor rights, health, climate, pollution. It offers impact & outcome with integrity.

Master Data

Bloomberg Ticker:  CHGX Index

Current Quotes

Last quote (26 Jul 2024): 338.80
Day range:  336.68 / 340.56
Change abs./rel.:  4.37 / 1.31%
Year range:  259.80 / 348.01
Please note that the index chart above may be partly comprised of historical performance illustration based on a backtest. The guideline provides an indication where this is the case.