
Solactive Post Ex-Date Dividend Adjustment Methodology in Standard Indices

On 07 September 2020, Solactive AG published a “Market Consultation on the Solactive Post Ex-Date Dividend Adjustment Methodology in Standard Indices” (https://www.solactive.com/market-consultation-on-the-solactive-post-ex-date-dividend-adjustment-methodology-in-standard-indices/). The consultation paper aimed to collect comments on proposed changes related to the treatment for dividend payments of Japanese and South Korean companies in Standard Indices.

The consultation period ended on 05 October 2020. Solactive AG received a large number of valuable responses and conducted a comprehensive review of each respondent’s feedback.

The following Consultation Conclusion presents the results of the market consultation: https://www.solactive.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Consultation-Conclusion-Solactive-Post-Ex-Dividend-Adjustment-Methodolog-in-Standard-Indices-1.pdf