Solactive Bond Index Methodology Update | Effective Date: 10 October 2023
Solactive AG has conducted a periodic review of the Bond Index Methodology Guideline, several enhancements to the text have been implemented on the section 1.2 Calculation Formulas, 1.16 Licensing and Distribution, 2 Index Governance an Classification, 4.1.2 Adjustment, 4.2.2 Adjustment, 4.3.2 Adjustment, 5 Definitions. Also sections 1.5 Day Count Convention, 1.9 Recalculation, 1.10 Adjustments, 1.12 Currency Versions, 1.13 Inflation Linked Bonds and Indices, 2.6 Sanctions, 2.7 Section for Emerging/Developed Countries, 3 Limitations and Exceptions added. The version number has been raised to 1.4. The updated Solactive Bond Index Methodology becomes effective with the publication on the Solactive website on 10 October 2023.