Ordinary Adjustment | Solactive Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Index | 31st May 2022
As part of the ordinary adjustment of the index, the composition of the Solactive Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Index (DE000SLA0DB5) was reviewed on Monday, 23 May 2022 (Selection Day). The following changes to the index composition will become effective as of close of business on Tuesday, 31 May 2022 (Adjustment Day).
Issuer Name | Coupon | Maturity Date |
GEORGETOWN-REV | 4.25 | 15 Aug 2047 |
NEW YORK ST PWR AUTH | 4 | 15 Nov 2052 |
NY ST ENVRNMNTL FACS | 4 | 15 Jun 2047 |
GEORGETOWN-REV | 5.25 | 15 Aug 2052 |
INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY | 5 | 01 Jul 2041 |
LOS ANGELES DEPT WTR | 5 | 01 Jul 2047 |
AUSTIN ARPT SYS REV | 5 | 15 Nov 2052 |
INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY | 5 | 01 Jul 2042 |
AUSTIN ARPT SYS REV | 5.25 | 15 Nov 2047 |
SAN DIEGO PUB FACS-A | 5 | 15 May 2052 |
CLARK CO -REV | 4 | 01 Jul 2040 |
INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY | 5 | 01 Jul 2045 |
NEW YORK ST PWR AUTH | 4 | 15 Nov 2047 |
INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY | 5 | 01 Jul 2044 |
INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY | 5 | 01 Jul 2040 |
NY ST ENVRNMNTL FACS | 5 | 15 Jun 2051 |
INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY | 5 | 01 Jul 2043 |
LOS ANGELES DEPT WTR | 5 | 01 Jul 2052 |
INTERMOUNTAIN PWR AGY | 5 | 01 Jul 2039 |
Issuer Name | Coupon | Maturity Date |
SAN FRANCISCO-B | 5 | 01 May 2047 |
SAN FRANCISCO CALIF C | 5 | 01 May 2047 |
LOS ANGELES ARPT-A | 5 | 15 May 2047 |
SAN FRANCISCO CALIF C | 5 | 01 May 2042 |
PORT OF SEATTLE-AMT-A | 5 | 01 May 2043 |
SAN FRANCISCO CALIF C | 5 | 01 May 2032 |
LONG BEACH-C-REV-REF | 5 | 15 May 2047 |
MET TRANSPRTN AUTH NY | 5.25 | 15 Nov 2057 |
CONNECTICUT ST -A-REV | 5 | 01 May 2032 |
MET ST LOUIS SWR-A | 5 | 01 May 2047 |
LOS ANGELES ARPT-A | 5 | 15 May 2042 |
MET ST LOUIS SWR-A | 5 | 01 May 2042 |
PORT OF SEATTLE-C | 5 | 01 May 2042 |
PORT OF SEATTLE-C | 5.25 | 01 May 2042 |
SAN FRANCISCO CALIF C | 5.25 | 01 May 2042 |
For more details on the index composition and the adjustment rules applicable to an index, please refer to the respective index detail page on this website.