Ordinary Adjustment | Solactive Euro HY Corporate Indices | 30th September 2020
As part of the ordinary adjustment of the index, the composition of the Solactive Euro HY Corporate Indices (DE000SLA2W47, DE000SLA2W54,DE000SLA9TN7,DE000SL0AF72,DE000SL0AF64) was reviewed on Monday, 28 September 2020 (Selection Day). The following changes to the index composition will become effective as of close of business on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 (Rebalance Day).
Issuer Name | Coupon | Maturity Date |
ORANO SA | 2.75 | 08.03.2028 |
BANCO BPM SPA | 5 | 14.09.2030 |
ROYAL FRIESLANDCAMPINA | 2.85 | 10.09.2025 |
BANCA MONTE DEI PASCHI S | 8.5 | 10.09.2030 |
MAXEDA DIY HOLDING BV | 5.88 | 01.10.2026 |
CPI PROPERTY GROUP SA | 4.88 | 18.08.2026 |
ALTICE FRANCE SA | 4.13 | 15.01.2029 |
BAWAG GROUP AG | 5.13 | 01.10.2025 |
ENCORE CAPITAL GROUP INC | 4.88 | 15.10.2025 |
SOLVAY SA | 2.5 | 02.12.2025 |
SPCM SA | 2 | 01.02.2026 |
SPCM SA | 2.63 | 01.02.2029 |
INTRUM AB | 4.88 | 15.08.2025 |
TAKKO LUX 2 SCA | 5.38 | 15.11.2023 |
UNIPOL GRUPPO SPA | 3.25 | 23.09.2030 |
FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO LLC | 3.25 | 15.09.2025 |
ZF FINANCE GMBH | 3 | 21.09.2025 |
ZF FINANCE GMBH | 3.75 | 21.09.2028 |
VMED O2 UK FINANCING I | 3.25 | 31.01.2031 |
VODAFONE GROUP PLC | 3 | 27.08.2080 |
VODAFONE GROUP PLC | 2.63 | 27.08.2080 |
PPF TELECOM GROUP BV | 3.25 | 29.09.2027 |
Issuer Name | Coupon | Maturity Date |
ARCELIK AS | 3.875 | 16.09.2021 |
SPCM SA | 2.875 | 15.06.2023 |
INTRALOT CAPITAL LUX | 6.75 | 15.09.2021 |
DIST INTER DE ALIMENTACI | 0.875 | 06.04.2023 |
MAXEDA DIY HOLDING BV | 6.125 | 15.07.2022 |
SELECTA GROUP BV | 5.875 | 01.02.2024 |
LSF10 WOLVERINE INVEST | 5 | 15.03.2024 |
GARRET LX I / BORROWING | 5.125 | 15.10.2026 |
SWISSPORT FINANCING SARL | 5.25 | 15.08.2024 |
TEVA PHARM FNC NL II | 6 | 31.01.2025 |
AMS AG | 6 | 31.07.2025 |
FAURECIA | 2.625 | 15.06.2025 |
For more details on the index composition and the adjustment rules applicable to an index, please refer to the respective index detail page on this website.