Market Consultation Solactive Fixed Income Fixing Time Change for US Eastern Time
Content of the Market Consultation
Solactive AG has decided to conduct a Market Consultation with regard to a potential change in Fixing Time for the US Market from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM (US Eastern Time).
Rationale for Market Consultation
Following analysis of the price differences at the 3:00pm (US Eastern Time) vs. 4:00pm (US Eastern Time) Fixing Time, Solactive AG can confirm that for around 40% of prices delivered at 4:00 PM (US Eastern Time) have updated prices compared to 3:00 PM (US Eastern Time) Fixing Time. The proposed change to a 4:00pm (US Eastern Time) Fixing Time assures the tracking of US fixed income markets in a more accurate and timely manner which is also aligned with market conventions.
The detailed descriptions of the proposed changes can be found in the attached documents.
Stakeholders and third parties who are interested in participating in this Market Consultation, are invited to respond until 2023-07-07 (cob).