Market Consultation

Market Consultation Several Solactive Indices | May 2022

Solactive is inviting all stakeholders and interested third parties to evaluate the proposed changes to the Methodology for several Solactive Indices and welcomes any feedback on how this may affect and/or improve their use of Solactive indices.
The detailed descriptions of the proposed changes can be found in the attached documents.

The Affected Indices are:

Index name RIC ISIN
Solactive China Biotech Index NTR .SOLCBTN DE000SLA7273
Solactive China Biotech Index PR .SOLCBTP DE000SLA7265
Solactive China Biotech Index TR .SOLCBTT DE000SLA7281
Solactive China Biotech v2 USD Index NTR .SOLCBTUN DE000SL0DGS7
Solactive China Biotech v2 USD Index PR .SOLCBTUP DE000SL0DGR9
Solactive China Biotech v2 USD Index GTR .SOLCBTUT DE000SL0D0D4
Solactive China Cloud Computing Index NTR .SOLCCCN DE000SLA7240
Solactive China Cloud Computing Index PR .SOLCCCP DE000SLA7232
Solactive China Cloud Computing Index TR .SOLCCCT DE000SLA7257
Solactive China Cloud Computing v2 USD Index NTR .SOLCCCUN DE000SL0D0F9
Solactive China Cloud Computing v2 USD Index PR .SOLCCCUP DE000SL0D0E2
Solactive China Cloud Computing v2 USD Index GTR .SOLCCCUT DE000SL0D0G7
Solactive China Consumer Brand Index NTR .SOLCCBIN DE000SLA9KG0
Solactive China Consumer Brand Index PR .SOLCCBIP DE000SLA9KF2
Solactive China Consumer Brand Index TR .SOLCCBIT DE000SLA9KH8

Stakeholders and third parties who are interested in participating in this Market Consultation are invited to respond until 20th of May 2022.