
Extraordinary Event Treatment for Nigerian Equity | Solactive Global SuperDividend™ Index | Effective Date 22/02/2021

Today, on the 22/02/2021, Solactive announces the following treatment for Nigerian equity in the following Indices (the ‘Affected Indices’):




Solactive Global SuperDividend™ Index



Solactive Global SuperDividend™ Index (Price)



Solactive has observed an extraordinary event with respect to Nigerian equity that severely and adversely effects transaction of foreign investors in Nigerian equity. Due to the recent deterioration of liquidity in the Nigerian FX market resulting from measures taken by public authorities, transactions in Nigerian Equity cannot be carried out on terms that provide a fair and undistorted picture of the Nigerian market.

Accordingly, the Oversight Committee of Solactive has decided to implement the following changes as part of the February ordinary rebalancing:

  • Nigerian companies that have been identified in the February ordinary selection to be added to the Affected Index will not be included in the Affected Indices;
  • Nigerian companies already included in the Affected Indices that have been identified in the February ordinary selection to remain in the Affected Indices will remain in the index with a fixed position (i.e. the fraction of shares will be kept constant during the rebalance period)
  • For clarification: in the February ordinary selection Nigerian companies to be removed from the Affected Indices have not been identified.

Solactive would like to point out that the implemented measures are extraordinary measures to react to the current unexpected and extreme market situation. No precautionary effect for measures to be taken in future comparable situations can be derived from this.

Defined terms used in this announcement, but not defined herein, have the meaning assigned to them in the respective index guideline of the Affected Indices.