Extraordinary Announcement | Solactive Currency Hedge Indices | March 2024 Rebalancing
Solactive announces an adjustment to the March 2024 monthly rebalancing schedule for the indices mentioned. Exceptionally, the rebalancing will be conducted at the close of March 28, 2024, instead of the initially scheduled close of March 29, 2024. This change is due to the observance of holidays in several markets on March 29, 2024, coupled with WM/Refinitiv’s unavailability to provide Spot FX rates on that day.
Based on the currency weights and Spot rates as of March 27, 2024, the currency notional amounts will be determined on March 27, 2024. The currency weights will be available in the files delivered on March 27, 2024. The notional amounts will be sold forward using the 1-month Forward rates as of March 28, 2024.
Starting from March 20, 2024, the closing level of the indices will be calculated considering the new upcoming rebalancing date March 28, 2024.
This extraordinary rebalancing will be applicable for the below indices:
Solactive China Technology NTR EUR Hedged Index | .SCNTECEN |
Solactive L&G Developed Markets Paris-aligned ESG SDG NTR GBP Hedged Index | .SDPAEBHN |
Solactive L&G Developed Markets Paris-aligned ESG SDG PR GBP Hedged Index | .SDPAEBHP |
Solactive L&G Developed Markets Paris-aligned ESG SDG TR GBP Hedged Index | .SDPAEBHT |
Solactive L&G Developed Markets Paris-aligned ESG SDG NTR EUR Hedged Index | .SDPAEEHN |
Solactive L&G Developed Markets Paris-aligned ESG SDG PR EUR Hedged Index | .SDPAEEHP |
Solactive L&G Developed Markets Paris-aligned ESG SDG TR EUR Hedged Index | .SDPAEEHT |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Developed Markets NTR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTDHGN |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Developed Markets PR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTDHGP |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Developed Markets TR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTDHGT |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Europe Ex UK NTR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTEHGN |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Europe Ex UK PR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTEHGP |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Europe Ex UK TR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTEHGT |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Global NTR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTGHGN |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Global PR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTGHGP |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Global TR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTGHGT |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Japan NTR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTJHGN |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Japan PR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTJHGP |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition Japan TR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTJHGT |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition North America NTR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTNHGN |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition North America PR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTNHGP |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition North America TR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTNHGT |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition APAC ex Japan NTR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTPHGN |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition APAC ex Japan PR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTPHGP |
Solactive L&G Low Carbon Transition APAC ex Japan TR GBP Hedged Index | .SLCTPHGT |
Solactive L&G ESG APAC ex Japan GBP Hedged | .SOESGAPH |
Solactive L&G ESG Developed ex UK GBP Hedged | .SOESGDGH |
Solactive L&G ESG Developed ex UK GBP Hedged TEMP | .SOESGDGHH |
Solactive L&G ESG Developed Markets ex UK GBP Hedged | .SOESGDXH |
Solactive L&G ESG Europe ex UK GBP Hedged | .SOESGEUH |
Solactive L&G ESG Global Markets NTR DM GBP Hedged Index | .SOESGGHG |
Solactive L&G ESG Global Markets PR DM GBP Hedged Index | .SOESGHGP |
Solactive L&G ESG Global Markets GTR DM GBP Hedged Index | .SOESGHGT |
Solactive L&G ESG Japan GBP Hedged | .SOESGJPH |
Solactive L&G ESG North America GBP Hedged | .SOESGNAH |
Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 Leaders NTR Index CHF Currency Hedged | .SOGGNCCH |
Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 Leaders NTR Index EUR Currency Hedged | .SOGGNECH |
Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 Leaders NTR Index GBP Currency Hedged | .SOGGNGCH |
Solactive Global Infrastructure Select Hedged to DKK Index NTR | .SOGINFDH |
Solactive ILIM Sustainable Developed Market Equity Index NTR (EUR Hedged) | .SOILSDEH |
Solactive Kiwi Global Markets Screened Hedged to NZD Index TR | .SOKGMSNH |
Solactive Sustainable Global Developed EU Paris-Aligned Index NTR EUR Hedged | .SOLDMEUH |
Solactive Sustainable Global Developed EU Paris-Aligned Index NTR GBP Hedged | .SOLDMGBH |
Solactive Sustainable Global Developed EU Paris-Aligned Index NTR JPY Hedged | .SOLDMJPH |
Solactive Sustainable Global Developed EU Paris-Aligned Index NTR NOK Hedged | .SOLDMNOH |
Solactive Sustainable Global Developed EU Paris-Aligned Index NTR SEK Hedged | .SOLDMSEH |
Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 Leaders NTR Index USD Currency Hedged | .SOLGGNCH |
Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap NTR GBP Hedged Index | .SOLGMHDG |
Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap PR GBP Hedged Index | .SOLGMHDP |
Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap GTR GBP Hedged Index | .SOLGMHDT |
Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap Hedged to AUD Index NTR | .SGMLMCAH |
Solactive GBS Japan Large & Mid Cap Hedged to CAD Index (CA NTR) | .SJPLMCCH |
Solactive European Bank Top 20 Equal Weight Hedged to CAD Index NTR | .SEUBK20H |
Solactive Digital Security CAD Hedged Index NTR | .SOLSECHN |
Solactive Global Genomics Immunology and Medical Revolution CAD Hedged Index NTR | .SGIMRCHN |
Solactive L&G Enhanced ESG Developed Markets GBP Hedged Index TR | .SOEESGDH |
Solactive Global Minimum Volatility Select EUR Hedged NTR Index | .SOLGMVHN |
Solactive L&G Green Real Estate Developed GBP Hedged Index GTR | .SOGRDGHT |
Solactive L&G Green Real Estate Developed GBP Hedged Index NTR | .SOGRDGHN |
Solactive USS Developed Markets Climate Transition Benchmark Hedged to GBP TR | .SOLUCTBE |
Solactive L&G ESG ex-Tobacco Developed Markets GBP Hedged Index NTR | .SOESDEHN |
Solactive DM Minimum Downside Volatility Hedged to CAD Index NTR | .SOLDMDHN |
Solactive US Minimum Downside Volatility Hedged to CAD Index NTR | .SOLUMDHN |
Solactive L&G ESG Developed Markets ex UK EUR Hedged Index NTR | .SOESDEUH |
Solactive Global Technology Leaders Hedged to CAD Index (CA NTR) | .SOLGTLCH |
Solactive Sustainable Global Developed EU Paris-Aligned Index NTR CHF Hedged | .SOLDMCHH |
Solactive L&G ESG Developed Markets EUR Hedged Index NTR | .SOESGDEH |
Solactive USS Developed Markets Ethically Screened CTB Index Hedged to GBP TR | .SUESCTBE |
Solactive TRSP L&G Targeted SDG Enhancement Developed Hedged to GBP Index NTR | .SOLTSDGH |
Solactive Developed Real Estate ESG Climate Hedged to EUR Index NTR | .SOLNTREH |
Solactive GBS Developed Markets ex Oceania Large & Mid Cap Hedged to NZD Index NTR | .SODLMCZH |
Solactive Developed Markets ex Oceania Custom Screened Hedged to NZD Index NTR | .SOODCSNH |
Solactive GBS Developed Markets ex Australia Large & Mid Cap Hedged to AUD Index NTR | .SADLMCAH |
Solactive GPR 250 Developed ESG Hedged to EUR Index NTR | .SGPRESGH |
Solactive EQ EM EUR-hedged (S-BiC-TR+BaFin) PR Index | .SEQEME4P |
Solactive EQ EM EUR-hedged (S-BiC-TR+BaFin) NTR Index | .SEQEME4N |
Solactive EQ EM EUR-hedged (S-BiC-TR+BaFin) TR Index | .SEQEME4T |
Solactive EQ World DM EUR-hedged (S-BiC-TR) NTR Index | .SEQDME1N |
Solactive EQ World DM EUR-hedged (S-BiC-TR+AT) NTR Index | .SQEDME2N |
Solactive EQ World DM EUR-hedged (S-BiC-TR+BaFin) NTR Index | .SEQDME4N |
Solactive EQ US500 EUR-hedged (S-BiC-TR) NTR Index | .SEQUS1EN |
Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap Hedged to EUR Index NTR | .SGMLMCEH |
Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap Hedged to GBP Index NTR | .SGMLMCBH |
Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap Hedged to USD Index NTR | .SGMLMCUH |
Solactive deemed the modification necessary as to improve tradability and replication of the index.