
Correction of Index Guideline | Solactive China Cloud Computing Indices | Effective Date 17 June 2019

Today, on the 17th of June, 2019, Solactive announces the following corrections to the guideline of the following indices (the ‘Affected Indices’):

Solactive China Cloud Computing Index PR (ISIN: DE000SLA7232)

Solactive China Cloud Computing Index NTR (ISIN: DE000SLA7240)

Solactive China Cloud Computing Index TR (ISIN: DE000SLA7257)

Corrections of the Index Guideline

  1. The term “Float Market Capitalization” has been replaced with the defined term “Free Float Market Capitalization” throughout the index guideline. The defined term “Free Float Market Capitalization” was already included in section 4.
  2. The term “Rebalance Day” has been used in some instances to describe the day that is referred to in the guideline as “Adjustment Day”. In order to rectify the incorrect reference, the term “Rebalance Day” has been replaced with the term “Adjustment Day”.
  3. The Definition of “Affiliated Exchanges” was missing although the term was used in the guideline. The definition has been now included and reads as follows:

“Affiliated Exchange” means with respect to an Index Component, each exchange, trading system or quotation system whose trading has an effect on the overall market for options contracts or futures contracts on the Index Component, and any successor acceptable to the Index Calculator.

Defined terms used in this announcement, but not defined herein, have the meaning assigned to them in the respective index guideline of the Affected Indices.