
Clarification of Index Guideline | Solactive China Cloud Computing Indices | Effective Date 3 July 2019

Today, on the 3rd of July, 2019, Solactive announces the following clarification to the guideline of the following indices (the ‘Affected Indices’):

Solactive China Cloud Computing Index PR (ISIN: DE000SLA7232)

Solactive China Cloud Computing Index NTR (ISIN: DE000SLA7240)

Solactive China Cloud Computing Index TR (ISIN: DE000SLA7257)

Clarification of the Index Guideline

In order to improve clarity and remove potential ambiguity, a more precise description of the FactSet industry classification on which the selection is based has been made. The index methodology does not change as a result.

The reference to the “FactSet’s Standard Classification System” in the definition “Index Universe” in section 4 has been replaced with a reference to “FactSet Industries and Economic Sectors”.

Defined terms used in this announcement, but not defined herein, have the meaning assigned to them in the respective index guideline of the Affected Indices.