Announcement | DCAF | End of delivery of legacy format corporate action files | October 2020
In February 2020, SOLACTIVE AG announced the release of a new corporate action forecast file, designed to add greater insight and granularity to the reporting of upcoming corporate action events and to advise clients of the resultant changes to their index composition. The Daily Corporate Action File, referred to hereafter as DCAF, will replace the existing corporate action file as the primary source of corporate action information dissemination.
The new DCAF has been live since 9th March 2020 and we hope you have had the opportunity to review and to use the new file. The transition period where both the legacy corporate action file and DCAF are delivered in parallel is due to end on 30th October 2020 after which time only the DCAF will be delivered.
If you receive the DCAF file by email, your delivery will continue unchanged, you will no longer receive the old format file from 2nd November onwards.
If you consume the DCAF through FTP or SFTP, the delivery of the old format file will end, and from 2nd November, the DCAF will continue to be delivered to the current file path.
Should you wish to extend the receipt of the old format file beyond 2nd November 2020, or wish to complete the transition, change the delivery location or recipient list prior to this date, please let us know by contacting us by email at or calling Equity Operations on +49 (69) 719 160-410
Please follow the link: where you will find the original release documentation providing a technical description of the contents of the new file, in addition to examples of the features and formatting of the DCAF.