
Changes to Index Methodology | Solactive Global Innovation Index | Effective Date 11th July, 2019

Today, 05th of July 2019, Solactive announces the following changes to the index methodology of the following Indices:


Solactive Global Innovation GTR Index .SOLEDGET DE000SLA5FJ2
Solactive Global Innovation NTR Index .SOLEDGEN DE000SLA5FK0
Solactive Global Innovation PR Index .SOLEDGE DE000SLA5FL8


Rationale for the Inclusion of an additional Index Category

The rationale behind the inclusion of 5G as an additional index category is that 5G is faster, more stable, more versatile and provides lower latency than the existing 4G technology. Thus, the theme is considered  as a disruptive trend in line with the Guideline’s definition to provide exposure to companies that are involved in innovative and disruptive trends across a broad range of industries.


Changes to the Index Guideline

  1. The definition of the “Index Universe” is updated and the following RBICS (sub)-industries are added to point 4: Wireless Services,   Other Network Software, Network Administration Software, Diversified Technology Hardware, General Communications Equipment and Other Communications Semiconductors.
  2. Inclusion of a new Index Category  ‘5G’,   and Industries Wireless Services, Other Network Software, Network Security Software, Network Administration Software, Network Security Access Policy Software, Diversified Technology Hardware, General Communications Equipment and Other Communications Semiconductors in the ‘Selection of the Index Components’ table in section 2.1”
  3. The following sentence in paragraph 2 of point 2.1 is replaced from “All companies in the Index Universe are sorted into one of the following eight Index Categories based on their Industry as outlined in the following table:” to “All companies  in the Index Universe are sorted into the following nine Index Categories based on their Industry as outlined in the following table:”


The changes will become effective on 11th July 2019.


Defined terms used in this announcement, but not defined herein, have the meaning assigned to them in the respective index guideline of the Affected Indices.