Solactive releases m:access All-Share Index with Börse München, tracking German Mittelstand companies
Regarded as the backbone of Germany’s economy, German Mittelstand companies are known for their economic robustness and for holding a longstanding historical record of business. It is not just their medium-sized market-capitalization between EUR 5 and 100 million that brands these companies as “Mittelstand” but also the incorporation of a constitutive ideology to sustain the business for generations to come. Therefore, Solactive is pleased to announce that Börse München, in a joint development with Solactive, created the m:access index including those players inspiriting the claim “made in Germany”.
Compared to German large caps, mid-cap companies demonstrate a faster and steady growth while maintaining competitive advantages through niche-specialization. Many German Mittelstand companies fall under the so-called “hidden champions” category, which means that these companies are relatively unknow to the public but are, on the other hand, the undisputed market leaders in their respective field of business.
“We at Solactive find ourselves in the same shoes as the companies included in the m:access All-Share Index; like them, we provide our services all over the globe while retaining and carrying the “made in Germany” attitude with every bit of work we create,” says Timo Pfeiffer, Head of Research at Solactive.
The m:access All-Share Index contains 63 stocks. Eligible companies must be listed on the m:access segment of Börse München and hold at least a base capital of EUR 1 million. New index components are initially weighted according to their market capitalization subject to a maximum weight of 15 percent. The composition of the index is adjusted quarterly. In addition to German companies, the index includes one Swiss, two Austrian, and two Dutch companies meeting the criteria to be eligible for index inclusion.
“With this index, Börse München is underscoring its claim to stand as the German stock exchange for SMEs,” says Dr. Robert Ertl, CEO of the stock exchange operator Bayerische Börse AG, explaining the intention of the stock exchange. “With Solactive, we have found a reliable and experienced index provider that calculates both a performance index (GTR and NTR) and a price index (PR), providing both issuers and investors with reliable benchmarks,” says Robert Ertl.