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Solactive Canadian Bond Universe TR Index

The Solactive Canadian Bond Universe TR Index is designed to track the performance of the bonds denominated in Canadian Dollars (CAD) that are issued in the Canadian market. The index seeks to provide a broad measure of the Canadian investment-grade fixed income market, covering government, quasi-government and corporate bonds. The index is rebalanced on a quarterly basis but considers new issuances as soon as available.

Master Data

Bloomberg Ticker:  SOLCAUTR Index

Current Quotes

Last quote (04 Oct 2024): 1123.04
Day range:  1123.04 / 1123.04
Change abs./rel.:  0.00 / 0.00%
Year range:  1006.60 / 1143.96
Please note that the index chart above may be partly comprised of historical performance illustration based on a backtest. The guideline provides an indication where this is the case.