
Acquisition | ROLAND DG CORP | 3rd September 2024

On February 9, 2024 XYZ launched a tender offer for 80.593% stake, which it did not already own, in ROLAND DG CORP for JPY 5370 in cash per share. The offer was conditioned upon at least 66.165 percent of ROLAND DG CORP ordinary shares, being tendered. The tender offer expired on May 15, 2024 with XYZ controlling 75.07 percent of ROLAND DG CORP. On August 1, 2024, ROLAND DG CORP announced a delisting following the approval in the shareholder meeting. The expected delisting date will be September 3, 2024.

The treatment below will be applied to the following indices:

  • ROLAND DG CORP will be removed from the Index.
  • The weight of ROLAND DG CORP (6789.T) based on its last close price will be distributed pro rata to remaining Index constituents.
  • Effective Date (open): 03/09/2024

Solactive LGIM ESG Japan All Cap Equities Index NTR
Solactive LGIM ESG Japan All Cap Equities Index PR
Solactive LGIM ESG Japan All Cap Equities Index TR